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October 29, 2011
Itti Bitti Tutto Review
I was thrilled to be selected to try out the bitti tutto from itti bitti! I had never tried any of their diapers before and was pretty giddy when it arrived in the mail (and I didn't know it was coming that day, so forgive the hot mess that I am, along with my nervous excitement, haha!)
Now that the embarrassing part is over with... ;)
Here are some more detailed features of the bitti tutto OS diaper...It is ridiculously trim for everything packed into this diaper...
Crossover snaps (which I, personally, always love)
The waist snaps help with wing droop...
Three rows of snaps...Combine this with the crossover snaps and the waist snaps, you get a handful of ways to make this diaper work for your little one! Gussets....
Gussets...everywhere! This diaper could hold in some major newborn mess!
I'm amazed that the diaper is THIS trim...are you ready to see what all goes in??
To start, here are all the pieces laid out...
They make it dummy-proof (even though I had to sit and stare for who know how long to figure the dummy proofness out!) ;) Just match up the colors!
You can really put these inserts in any way you choose - whatever provides the best protection for your little one...
More matching!
All put together!
So, there's the inside. If you're a bit overwhelmed by all the soaker pads - don't be! On the itti bitti site, there is a great page devoted to using the diaper and soakers.
How does it fit? Well, this is where it got iffy for me. I tried and tried and tried and just couldn't get a great waist fit on my guy. I tried different absorbency options and different rise settings, but I never got THE fit I was hoping for. However, through the legs, the fit was great!Also, I was amazed at how snug it was on my guy. He has an itti bitti waist, I thought for sure, we'd be using the crossover snaps (we do on any other OS diaper we have that has that feature). However, the website does say that it will go to 44lbs (we're currently at 25lbs at 14months), so we'll see!I have a feeling that this diaper would fit amazingly on an tiny baby (totally just speculation, I don't have one to try that theory on!) But I think that is where the crossover snaps would make the fit perfect.
While the fit was a bit funky, it works like a DREAM! We have yet to have any leaks. And, I would easily use this on a newborn given all the gussets...I mean, seriously. Did you SEE the gussets?!
Just in case you missed the gussets the first time ;)
I said in the video that I was excited to see how it would work at night, so I bit the bullet and went for it. I was floored. 12 hours later and it was only barely damp around the legs - the waterproof minkee (and the umpteen layers of bamboo absorbency) really held up. Seeing that the diaper isn't covered in PUL and is a bit more breathable, I may start resorting to this at night time (which says a lot for our super soaker!)
So! A neat little diaper! Great concept! Might require a bit of work to figure out the exact combo for your little one, but definitely one worth trying!
You can find itti bitti on the following social media outlets: itti bitti on Facebook itti bitti on Twitter
Disclaimer: I received an itti bitti tutto for review. All opinions are honest and my own.
Thank you for some many reasons. First, for having to stare at the diaper for who knows how long, I starred and starred some more at the one we just received. Second, for showing me how to match, though after I saw your photos I had a duh moment, I so show have figured this out myself.
P.S. I thought of you right away when I needed help figuring out how to work our newest diaper. :-)
I've seen these diapers online and thought they looked neat. I like that there is no MF.
Off topic: Have you considered having your Google Docs links open in new windows? In my opinion it makes it easier. :)
Entered, thanks for the chance!
eeek! great giveaway!! entered, thanks :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ugh! I think I entered this twice! If I did I apologize! It's late! :-)
tvpg at aol dot com
Thank you for some many reasons. First, for having to stare at the diaper for who knows how long, I starred and starred some more at the one we just received.
Second, for showing me how to match, though after I saw your photos I had a duh moment, I so show have figured this out myself.
P.S. I thought of you right away when I needed help figuring out how to work our newest diaper. :-)
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