Hello all! I'm really excited to show off a brand new brick and mortar store...Fluff Envy! Until October 1st, Fluff Envy had only been an online store (with local mamas having the option to pick up at Justine's house). Now, their brick and mortar store is officially open! They are located in South Elgin, IL - right on Route 31 (1345 N La Fox Street). From the beginning of the online store, it was Justine's dream to open up a storefront where her kiddos could play in a back room while she worked in the front - and this is now their reality (with the play room being on the side)! Her girls are so excited to be there that they brought over their play cash register, browsed the store for their favorites, and then rang each other up - how cute! =)
Justine did a great job of making the store bright, cheery, and spacious. She wanted the online store and the storefront to match in color and theme - she succeeded! Somehow my pictures missed the hand painted bubble-like detail at the top - but you can tell she put a lot of thought and effort into the store's appearance. A playroom is in the works for the little ones who accompany their parents to the store.
There are two walls (and several other smaller areas as well) covered in colorful fluff - enough to make any cloth diapering mama envious! =) In addition to diapers, Fluff Envy carries inserts, BabyLegs, wet bags, baby carriers, natural mama products, natural lotions and the like...just to name a few. You can check them out here: www.fluffenvy.com

(View of the left side of the store - oh, the colors!)
Justine's favorite products are the Blueberry diapers that she carries. She says the prints are amazing and the quality is outstanding. She has some Blueberry diapers that have been in her personal stash for over four years - and they are still looking great!
(The view on the right side of the store: including the beloved Blueberry diapers!)

(The view behind the counter - featuring CJ's All Natural products)
Fluff Envy is also a great resource - offering classes to those that are local. They currently have a Cloth Diapering 101 class on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 3:00 pm. A couple of other classes are in the works as well - Baby Wearing and Baby Yoga should be starting up in the near future - stay tuned for details. Justine (the owner) is very knowledgeable herself and she enjoys helping others learn more - have a question? Just ask!
Congrats, Fluff Envy, on your grand opening! We wish you all the best!
YAY, Justine!!!!
I just wish I lived anywhere near you!!!
Store looks awesome, congratulations
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