I was given the chance to review another great WAHM's items--a diaper, cover and liner from
Adrianna Knits. I'm really excited to share them with you! But before I share the products, here's a little about Adrianna.
Adrianna is a mama to three-a nearly 7 year old (with high functioning autism), a 3 year old and 1 year old. She left her job after having her first son, to be able to stay at home with him and be on call for him. It also gave her a chance to do what she really loves-knitting, crocheting, and sewing. She learned how to crochet when she was 3 (!!) from her grandmother. A few years later, her grandmother taught her to sew and to knit. She learned all the basics, and then taught herself everything else!
She opened up her etsy shop back in 2010, where it was mostly hand-knit items. After her son was born in 2012, she was able to get a serger, and really got into making her own cloth diapers.
She designs and makes them all herself. Nothing is exactly identical, since everything is made by her!
Although not everything is identical, from what I've experienced, it's all of the highest quality. Adrianna sent me a prefitted (prefold made into a fitted), a fleece cover, as well as a few fleece liners. Let's start with the prefitted.
Here's the prefitted on my son, who's about 25lbs at 22 months.
This is a one-size diaper, and even though we're on the biggest rise setting, it looks like it's going to fit for quite a while longer. It does snap down to be quite small, and Adrianna says on the website, it should start fitting around 10lbs.
prefitted on smallest rise setting |
Like most other one-size diapers, it may be a little bulky at first, but would definitely be absorbent enough! And it's nice to have something to grow into.
We get a great fit with this diaper. There's never any red marks with this diaper, since the elastic is inside the prefold. There's just nice, soft cotton on baby's skin. But because there's elastic inside, there's no gaping at the legs, which means no leaks!
no gaping! |
This diaper is basically a converted prefold, which I love. I loved prefolds when Myles was a newborn/infant, but once he got really active, it made it difficult to get them on. If I had known about prefitteds when he got to about 6-7 months old, my stash might look really different! They're just like a prefold, made with natural fibers and super absorbent, just much easier to get on! Plus, they're super affordable, at only $6.95 each. A little more expensive than a simple prefold, but much much cheaper than most fitteds.
There's also a little elastic in the back, which helps to get a good fit.
there's elastic at the top....a little difficult to see |
She also adds an extra insert that can be snapped in for extra absorbency, which I really appreciate. We can always use extra absorbency around here! It's a little longer than the diaper itself, which allows you to fold it however you need it--in the middle for girls, and at the front, for boys. Or you can leave the insert out, if you don't need the extra absorbency, or for a newborn.
insert folded for a boy |
I also usually used the liners Adrianna sent me with the prefitted. Because prefolds are just made of cotton, they aren't "stay-dry," meaning the baby will feel wet. This isn't a bad thing and isn't going to hurt them or cause diaper rash, but sometimes it's nice (I like it especially at night or naps) for them to feel a little more dry. That's where a liner comes in. Adrianna's liners are made out of fleece, which keeps baby feeling dry. They fit perfectly along the insert of the prefitted, which is where most of the moisture goes. They worked great! The edges are serged, so there's no fraying, and they look a lot nicer than if they were just cut. You can also use liners if you use a diaper cream (although it should still be cloth diaper safe so it doesn't get all over your diapers in the wash).
prefitted with the fleece liner |
As far as quality goes, this diaper is fantastic. The shape of it is perfect. It has three rise settings, and since it's a fitted, you don't have to have a perfect rise, since you'll have a cover over it anyway; but we get a great fit in it. It also has crossover snaps around the waist, which is super helpful for skinny babies. The snaps themselves are nice and strong--I don't feel like Myles could get them undone on his own, which is definitely a plus. :) And I just love the feel of it! It's nice and soft, and the more you wash it, the softer and fluffier it gets.
Adrianna also sent me an adorable fleece cover, in a soccer ball print.
It fits perfectly over the prefitted. No gaping at the legs, or the top. I was a little worried the rise might be too short, but it fits perfectly.
I had to bring in backup to get some decent pictures :) |
We don't have a lot of fleece covers in our stash, but most of the ones we have have an extra layer of fleece in the wetzone. This cover doesn't, but we have not had a single leak using it. We've used it mostly at naptime, but a few times during the day, and its worked wonderfully no matter where we've used it. No leaking, it fits under Myles' clothes, and looks adorable! It's a tad bit bulky, but I always expect that when pairing a fitted with fleece--it's just a lot of material. But I don't mind the bulk as long as it does the job. And the combo of this prefitted and fleece cover has consistently done the job for us!
"posing" for the side shot....or trying to run away! |
I have been really impressed with Adrianna's products! Everything is top quality and has worked really wonderfully for us. The fit on both items was great, and as I said before, we haven't had any leaks when using either item, which them it an A+ in my book!! And everything is really affordable, which is definitely something I look for in a diaper.
Adrianna has lots of other great items in her
etsy shop. And one of my favorite things is that she'll convert YOUR prefolds into prefitteds for only $3.95/diaper!! I thought that was an awesome idea and a great price! I might be doing that for our next little one....
She also makes some absolutely adorable hats! She asked if I wanted to review one, but Myles absolutely refuses to keep a hat on his head, so I begrudgingly declined. But if you have a hat-lover, be sure to check them out.
Adrianna has also kindly offered to giveaway your choice of either a sized (newborn, small, medium or large) or a one-size diaper! Be sure to enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway