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June 28, 2013

Major Cloth Diaper Skeptic gives Cloth Diapering a Trial Period to see what the hype is all about!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Katie, and as I sit here trying to figure out what to say, I have to laugh a little because I find it quite ironic that I’m writing for a Cloth Diapering Blog of all things.  Why, you ask?  Only because I just happen to be one of the biggest skeptics out there when it comes to Cloth Diapering!  Not that I don’t totally commend everyone who does, in fact, I give them a ton of credit!  My sisters, Kristina and Jen, both are big time Cloth Diaper Addicts, so I’ve had my share of cloth diaper experiences, but it just wasn’t my thing, or so I thought…

First, a little about me and my family – I am married to a pretty cool guy, Jesse, (who is even more skeptical of cloth diapers even more than I am).  He is a Research Development Chef, so it’s kind of fun having him around!  Seriously though, he is my best friend, I love him and am thankful that he supports me on all my crazy endeavors no matter what they might be! His hobbies include shooting, music, following Hockey and Football, horseshoes, bowling, reading and pretty much anything to do with Zombies!

I work one night a week, and also am an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One.  So I like to say that I’m basically a Stay a Home Mommy!  We have two children, Colton and Rebecca.  Colton is 5 ½ and every bit the typical 5yr old boy!  Loves sports, getting dirty, playing outdoors, spending time with his cousins, reading…the list goes on!  Rebecca is 11 months old and is our little social chatter box!  We all love watching her learn new things and making her smile and laugh.  She is definitely Mommy’s girl, but lately has been getting better about giving Daddy some of her attention. Honestly though, I think her big brother is her favorite!  I love my babies so much more than I could have ever imagined loving someone before becoming a Mommy and while I’m far from perfect, I do my best to make sure they are loved and provided for!

We just moved into our house a few months ago and are finally starting to settle in and are enjoying the extra space both inside and out.  Eventually, I’d love to have a few small farm animals, but for now I’m settling with getting a garden started!  I also LOVE taking pictures/photography, playing softball, reading (which I never have time for), and spending time with my family and friends.

About six months ago, I was talking to my sisters about writing for this blog.  I was trying to convince them that just because I don't "Do" Cloth Diapering doesn't mean I couldn't write about other earth friendly things that I support!  It was kind of a losing battle!  They have been trying to convince me of converting to cloth for a few years now.  Even when I didn't have a baby in diapers!  I wasn't having any of it!  There is just something about scraping poo off into the toilet that just doesn't fly with me! (There was an incident with me babysitting a nephew, wearing a cloth diaper, and it was the day after he had eaten six ears of corn on the cob.  Let me tell you...what happened in that diaper...it wasn't pretty!) There were other reasonable arguments I had about Cloth Diapering which I will list in a minute!

My sisters finally came up with an idea about how I could write for them.  They thought it would be cool to have our followers hear from someone who is new to Cloth Diapering so that they could get a fresh perspective on things.  It's easy to say "Yes! CD'ing is the only way to go!"  when you've been doing it forever.  That's where I come in.  I am not only a Mom who has never Cloth Diapered, I'm also a huge skeptic of it, so who better to test it out than me!  So I am going to be doing a trial run, with my cute little test subject, Rebecca, and we will see how it goes!

Here are some, ok, a lot of skepticisms I have about Cloth Diapering.  As we go along throughout the next few months of this experiment, I promise to be honest, even if it means I end up loving Cloth Diapering.

1.  It's a lot of extra work, and time consuming - you can't just throw the diaper away and  be done with it
2.  Lots of extra laundry and hang drying to do
3.  the SMELLS!
4.  Does it really actually save money?  Honestly?  By the time you buy the diapers, the special butt creams, the special laundry detergents, and then you have the extra loads of laundry to run, its hard to believe you could actually save money
5.  The start up cost is pretty steep
6.  How much does it really help the environment?
7.  What about babies with sensitive skin?
8.  Seems like traveling and having to deal with cloth diapers would be a pain
9.  Leakage issues?
10.  Bulkiness of diapers - not a fan of the big butt, I know its a little on the vain side, but I'm just being honest!  It also becomes an issue when pants don't fit the baby right because of the extra bulk
11.  If someone did decide to try Cloth Diapering, how would they even know where to start?  I got lucky because I have sisters to help me out with questions, but even then, things still seem a bit overwhelming as I prepare for this adventure!
12.  Reusable wipes...seems like an added pain.  We shall see!

I look forward to sharing my Cloth Diapering Adventures with all of you!

Apparently we need to get an updated family picture with all of us in it!!

June 19, 2013

Interview with my Hubby

Although Father's Day has past, I thought it would be fun to interview my husband to find out what he really thinks about cloth diapering.  Because I stay at home with our son, I kind of had the final say in how we diapered him, since I'd be doing most of the diapering.  He was supportive of cloth diapering, but didn't have a huge interest in it in the beginning.  I feel like he's really come around and is now very supportive of our cloth diapering!  So, I thought it'd be fun to hear things from his point of view.... hoping you will, too!

What did you think about cloth diapering when I first brought it up?
I thought it would be really gross.... putting the poopy diapers in the washing machine.  And having to spray off poopy diapers--I was a little intimidated by that.

Did you really want us to use cloth diapers in the beginning or would you have preferred just using disposables?
I respected your desire to use cloth diapers, and knew it would be better for the environment and would be cheaper....so I agreed.

How did your opinions change once we started using them?
The ones for the infants (prefolds with the snappi things) are still really confusing and difficult for me, but once we started using the pocket diapers, it was really easy!  And once I saw how the washing machine looked after doing a few loads, I realized it didn't really matter.  Spraying off the diapers isn't so bad either, although I've had my share of difficulties with it.
Now, I'm kind of proud that we use them.  I know that it saves us so much money, and I've seen the volume of diapers we've had to throw away when we do use disposables.

What is the hardest thing about using cloth diapers?
Spraying the poop off!!  Before having the Spray Pal, I would always spray poop onto the wall or the floor.... my best story is when I was trying to drop poop into the toilet, when the snapped-in insert fell out, and everything landed in the woven magazine bin.  That was rough.

What's your favorite thing?
They're so much cuter than normal diapers!

Is there anything that really surprised you about using cloth diapers?
I think I was surprised by how easy they are (the pocket diapers).  Instead of using the velcro on disposables, you just snap them on-quick and easy!

Would you ever want to just use disposables?
No.  Maybe in the infants, with prefolds and things :), but otherwise, no.

Anything else you want to add?
The only other thing I'm surprised about is the volume of pee those things can handle!!

So, looks like he really does appreciate that we use cloth diapers :)  I'm glad he's been so supportive through the last two years of diapering!!  And that I didn't have to convince someone who was really against it.  How about you guys?  How do your partners feel about cloth diapering?


June 12, 2013

RubyRumps Fitted Diaper

For the past month or so, I've had the chance to try out a great fitted diaper--RubyRump's hemp fitted diaper.  RubyRump's is a business owned by a WAHM, Marion.  Marion lives in Washington, and has 5 children.  Her last three kids were cloth diapered, and after learning to make cloth diapers, decided to start her own business-RubyRumps.  She makes fitted diapers, covers, and also AIO diapers.  Marion sent me one of her organic hemp fitted diapers to try.
The etsy shop describes the make-up of the diaper well: "The outside layers are organic hemp fleece and the inside layers are a combination of organic hemp/cotton jersey and organic hemp/cotton fleece."  
And let me tell you, with all the hemp in there, this diaper is absorbent!  But before I get ahead of myself, here's what the diaper looks like:
It's pretty simple in design, but does the job well.  The diapers only come in velcro/hook and loop, and I found it to be really strong.  We've had no issues with it rolling up or anything yet, and they stayed stuck down in the washing machine (so NO diaper chains, which is one of my diapering pet peeves!).
The absorbency of the diaper is completely sewn in, so no snapping or adding layers, which is nice--no searching for the insert to snap in while folding the laundry!

The only problem with the absorbency being completely sewn in is that it takes longer to dry.  Now that it's pretty much summertime here in Virginia, I've been line-drying my diapers and haven't noticed that this diaper takes excessively longer than the others out on the line.  But I did notice, on rainy days when I dried everything in the dryer, that the diaper wasn't completely dry after one cycle.  Because I'm lazy, most nights I just take the diapers out of the diaper and leave them in the basket to fold in the morning anyway, so I usually just laid this one out over the edge of the basket and it was dry by morning.  Depending on what other nighttime diapers I used, this isn't the only diaper that needs a little extra dry-time, so sometimes I just added an extra 20 minutes to the cycle and it was dry.  Overall, not a big deal, but just something to be aware of!
And in case you noticed above, I did say "other nighttime diapers," meaning, this diaper is one of our nighttime diapers!!  If you've read any of my other posts, you'll know that my son is a super-soaker.  We have very limited options for nighttime, and this one passed the test!!  Because these diapers are made with so much hemp, I had high hopes for nighttime.  And after washing it and having it take so long to dry (yes, it takes longer to dry, but that also means extra absorbent!), I knew I had to give it a shot overnight.  And it worked.  Like a charm.  I paired it with a wool cover and had complete success!  Hooray!!  This diaper wasn't even completely soaked through by morning.  So as far as absorbency goes, this diaper is fantastic!
Another reason I love hemp is because it's so trim!  Major absorbency without the bulk.  This diaper is really quite trim for such an absorbent fitted diaper.

I used it only at naptime and nighttime (really the only times we use fitteds), so I can't say how it fits under clothing, but looking at this thing, it is super duper trim.  I actually had to pick out specific wool covers that fit more tightly during naps/nightime so they wouldn't fall down!  So I'd say this diaper would work great as a daytime diaper.
again....so trim.
The only issue we really had with this diaper was the fit.  And actually, we only had trouble in the legs; the waist was great!  I asked for a large, but I'm thinking we could have gotten by with a medium.  The weight ranges said a large would fit 16+ pounds, but I'm thinking that they run pretty large and it depends on the shape of the baby.  Myles has tiny little legs, so we got some gaping around them.  It was never an issue, as far as poop goes (I think it helps with fitteds that you have a cover to hold everything in), but just something to be aware of.  I have some friends with kids who weigh the same as Myles but have a completely different build, and I'm pretty sure this diaper would fit just fine on them.
You can see how it gapes on his right leg.  But when I made sure to pull the diaper up as high as I could before fastening it, it helped a lot.  And because we always wear a cover, we never had any problem with the gap causing a leak.

Overall, we love this diaper!  It is SO absorbent, and its really great to have another option for nighttime!  I love that its made with organic materials, so I feel really good with it against Myles' skin.  In my experience, the sizing runs large, but I think it depends on the build of the baby.  And, it just looks cute--who doesn't love a cute, fitted bum.....

*on a side note, Myles is starting potty training and we're having a really hard time keeping diapers on him!  Can you tell what he's trying to do in the picture on the right??  I have to keep telling him "hands off!!"

Anyway.... we really like this diaper!  If you're looking for a super absorbent fitted to add to your stash, this is it!  And they're also really affordable, at only $18.  Be sure to check out RubyRump's on facebook and on etsy.
Marion is also offering a great discount on her store for our readers--30% off, using the code RR30!  To order, check out what's available in her etsy shop, or if you don't see what you want, she can always do custom orders; just send her a message through etsy or facebook.
Also, if you live in or are visiting Port Townsend, WA, her diapers are for sale in a shop on Water St, downtown, called "Seams to Last."  Be sure to check them out!

June 11, 2013

Baby Monkeys Pocket Diaper and Flat

Last, but certainly not least in my Flats Challenge review series is a WAHM shop called Baby Monkeys. Tibeca, the owner and creator of Baby Monkeys sent me one of her Bamboo Baby Loop Terry Flats and also one of her adorable pocket diapers to review.

The Bamboo Loop Terry Flats are made of a single layer of fabric that is serged on the edges. You can pick your serging color, and I chose the Blueberry Cobbler color for mine. They come in three sizes that you can choose from: Newborn (25" x 25"), Infant (28"x28"), and Toddler (30"x30"). The fabric has one smooth flat side and one looped side, and I found that both held a Snappi very well. The flat is really stretchy, which I love for getting a nice snug fit on Ava!

I have the flat in an Origami fold in the picture above. You can see what a great fit we got with this flat! The tan serging you see is just a doubler since Ava was wearing this for a nap. We found that this flat had really great absorbency for Ava and it handwashed very well during the challenge.

This is the adorable pocket diaper that I was sent to review! It is a one size side snapping pocket diaper with a cute rainbow applique on the back.

On the inside of the diaper there are two pocket openings, one on each end. This makes it really easy to stuff and most of the time the inserts agitate out in my washer! The white that you can see is suedecloth, and the blue is PUL.

The picture above shows the pocket snapped to the smallest rise and waist settings. I can tell that this would fit a small baby really nicely. The front even has a little bit of a dip to it that would keep the diaper away from the cord on a newborn. The size range for these pockets is about 10-32 pounds.

 I added this picture to highlight the awesome stitching on the fold over elastic. I thought that all the stitching on this diaper was really nicely done, and the zig zag stitch on the elastic looks really cool.

I took all of the on the bum pictures with the flat pad folded inside the pocket. I know it looks bulky, but I wanted to be able to show just how roomy this pocket is. I can even stuff it enough to use it at night! For normal daytime use, Tibeca offers bamboo terry or zorb inserts to go with her pocket diapers.  I didn't have one of hers to review, so I used some that I had on hand. With a smaller insert I take the rise up one more snap setting and get a nice trim fit.

Look at that fluffy bum! I love that this is a great stay dry night time option for us. It has been really hard for us to find pockets that can fit the amount of absorbency that Ava needs at night.

We got a great fit with this diaper. The fold over elastic keeps everything really snug without any gaps, so we didn't have any leaks. I just love anything baby blue so the color is perfect for me and the rainbow applique is so awesome! Also, since there is elastic on the front for the tummy it works great for my skinny tummy sleeper. This was one of the first diapers in a while that fit Ava's skinny waist really well without squishing her chubby legs.

Check Baby Monkeys out on HyenaCart! She has pocket diapers, covers, flats, wipes, and the cutest little stuffed toy monkeys I have seen.

Geffen Baby Quick Absorbers Plus

I was recently given the opportunity to review a set of the Geffen Baby Quick Absorbers Plus inserts. I really like Geffen Baby's jersey hemp flats, so I was excited to try their inserts.

I received a package of three Quick Absorbers Plus inserts, but you can also buy them in quantities of 6 or 12. When you receive them the dimensions are 6" x 17", but they will shrink somewhat after prepping. I found that mine are now 5" x 16" which is a great size for us.

You can see that after it was prepped it softened up nicely and shrunk down just a bit. The Geffen Baby Quick Absorbers Plus inserts are made of five layers of a 60% hemp and 40% cotton blend jersey. This makes them very absorbent, while still very thin! Geffen Baby also offers Quick Absorber inserts that are still five layers of hemp and cotton jersey but are about 5" x 13" if you need a shorter length. If you want even more absorbency try the High Absorber inserts (5" x 13" with two layers of hemp and cotton jersey plus three layers of hemp/cotton fleece in the center) or the Super Absorbers inserts (5" x 13" with five layers of hemp/cotton fleece). If you prefer microfiber, they also offer the Ultra Absorbers inserts (6" x 17"with three layers of microfiber).

You can see in this picture above that this insert is nice and thin. I really enjoyed using these as doublers in my flats during the Flats Challenge! Since they are made of natural fibers they handwashed well too. They add a lot of absorbency without adding a lot of bulk. We found that these worked really well in all of our pocket diapers also. Geffen Baby calls them universal inserts, and that certainly seems to be an accurate assessment! I was able to use them with all of our diapering systems. I've used them as doublers in all-in-ones and all-in-twos, as doublers in a prefold, and as doublers in flats with great success. Geffen Baby is a really great company and many of their products are made in the USA. Check them out on their website and on Facebook!

June 6, 2013

North St. Bags - A Diaper Bag for Dad!

Just in time for Father's Day, I got to review a backpack from North St. Bags here in Portland, OR. This is their Woodward Backpack which is a lightweight pack with versatility and style. North St. Bags makes a whole line of bags for cyclists and people about town. I have so enjoyed using this pack as a diaper bag for Coral. Of course, her dad agrees too!  
This removable zipper pouch velcros on the inner side of the bag to keep smaller things handy and in order. They have different attachments that you can choose to order as well to customize your bag space.

Here is a bird's eye view in to the bag. You can see that the pouch is attached to the two rows of Velcro in the bag. Opposite from the pouch is a sleeve for a laptop or any other item that you wouldn't want to get scratched or crumpled by other objects in your bag. I've appreciated this feature for a variety of uses such as taking cards or flat packages to the post office and transporting photos. I have a bit of a walk to get there and after accessing a normal bag a few times, I have always beat up any paper items in my bag pretty well. I usually have to hope that the recipient chalks that up to the USPS's rough handling, but not when I use this backpack!

 The chest and waist straps are good quality and easy to adjust with the D-rings. You don't realize how handy these are until you are fumbling for the strap while is a hurry or with numb fingers in the cold. I also appreciate the padding in the shoulder straps. They are comfortable but still breath well and don't make you overheat.

 Here is Dad and Coral on their way to an adventure.

Here Dad is wearing the pack fairly high on his back but it can adjust to many a different size. We have a few BG's in here, some spare clothes, wipes, wetbag, sippy cup, changing pad, bib, water bottles for us, snacks, a flask and all with room to spare.

The generous folks as North St. Bags are offering a discount code for 20% off a purchase of $100 or more between now and Father's day. You can tell your husband or dad to choose his own gift this year! Just go to http://northstbags.com/ and enter code = "bagsfordads"  (no caps) valid through 6/16/2013.

June 5, 2013

Orange Diaper Company Terry Squares

I was so excited to be able to try Orange Diaper Company's Terry Squares for the Flats Challenge. Orange Diaper Company, or ODC, is known for their adorable fitted diapers and their super squishy bamboo terry fitteds and flats. I was sent an infant and a toddler size Bamboo Terry Square to review, along with a set of ODC Super Doublers.

I just loved the way ODC products are packaged with the "handmade" tag and the ODC ribbon. It was such a fun package to get in the mail. The purple edges you see are the toddler sized Terry Square in Grape, and the one on top is the infant size in Natural.

The Super Doublers are a fantastic addition to any cloth diaper stash. They come in a package of two and are made of three layers of bamboo fleece. At 3.75 inches wide by 21 inches long, these are a great size to fit in any diaper you have! I used these as doublers for many different flat folds and they fit great in all of them. I discovered that I could use both of these with the toddler sized Square as an overnight option for my heavy wetter! I just laid them in my fold and then folded the extra length back over itself in the front since Ava is a tummy sleeper and needs that front absorbency.

This is the Infant sized Terry Square in a Neat Fold on Ava. I like to use a size one Snappi for many flat folds and it worked great on this one. The Infant Sized Square is 23.5" x 23.5" and according to the ODC website should fit from birth up to 25+ pounds. Ava is 26 pounds right now and I still had a lot of room to have this fit her, so you can definitely use this size for a long time. The size and absorbency you get do depend on what flat fold you use, but so far every fold has fit great. The bamboo terry cloth is very stretchy, so that helps to get a nice smooth fit and helps to make a smaller flat fit longer!

You can see in this picture just how nice and trim the flat is. I am in love with the squishy bamboo terry that these squares are made of! Some terry cloth flats have a smooth side and a looped side, but the fabric that ODC uses has the plush loops on both sides! I found that the fabric was really easy to either Snappi or pin depending on my mood and how still Ava would hold for me.

The Toddler Sized Terry Square is 28" x 28", and fits from 20-40 lbs. This larger size could be folded to fit smaller babies than 20 pounds but it will be bulkier, so ODC offers options so that you can get a trim fit on any size baby. I personally loved the larger size. I could tell that the extra 4.5 inches on each side gave quite a bit more absorbency and I can see how this size will fit Ava longer than the Infant size. This picture above is the Toddler size in an Origami Fold with a single pin for closure. 

If you want a Terry Square for a newborn but don't want to fold an Infant or Toddler size down to a newborn size, ODC offers a Newborn Size Terry Square! The newborn size is 16" x 16" and will fit from birth to 15+ pounds. If you need help deciding what size to get check out this post from ODC that talks about how the different sizes came about and how each of them fits.

Overall, we love these flats and doublers! I was so excited that the doublers plus the Toddler sized flat can work as a nighttime option for us, and I love using these for naps as well. Both the flats and the doublers handwashed really well during the Flats Challenge, too. One thing that I discovered during the Flats Challenge was that these Terry Squares remain soft even with handwashing and air drying. Many of my standard cotton flats would get super stiff and kind of rough, but the ODC terry flats stayed soft with every wash! The absorbency of these flats is just amazing to me: they hold a ton of liquid. If you are using flats for the cost savings, you might see the price of these and balk somewhat, but I really think that they are worth the extra money. I would recommend that any flats using family get at least a couple of these to supplement their stash with a highly absorbent option. If you are just a cloth diaper addict then you need to try ODC if you haven't already. The squishiness is irresistible to a cloth diaper addicted mama! Check ODC out on Facebook and on her website, where the Terry Squares are open for a pre-order right now.

Momma Made

Recently, I was given the chance to review a diaper from Momma Made, a WAHM who makes cloth diapers.  The Momma behind Momma Made is Lindsey, who has two young children.  She's been making diapers since January--she has a newer business, so make sure to show her some love! :)  And with how cute her diapers are, I don't think that will be a problem.  Lindsey sent me a super soft, minky pocket diaper to try.  It's absolutely adorable!


I can honestly say that I've never seen a diaper like this before!  It's mostly minky fabric, but it also has some PUL that goes across the back, creating a super cute look.  I absolutely love this woodland's print!  It's a little girly for my little guy, but he's been wearing it anyway!  And it's soooo soft, he's never complained! :)  Here's what it looks like on the back:

I absolutely love the combo of the minky and the PUL.  It looks so cute and is so so soft.  The snaps are also colored and coordinating.  I thought at first they were just colored to match the diaper (which they are), but they're also color coded to help you figure out which snaps to use.  The snaps and wings are actually angled, which not only looks cute, but also helped me get a better fit on my son.  Basically, if you can see on the picture below, rather than snapping the wings on the snaps that are one on top of the other, you actually use the colors that match-- so, brown on top and brown on bottom, or the green on top and the green on bottom.  It's a little hard to explain, but really easy once you try it out.  If you can see on the snaps below, it starts with two brown snaps on the left side, angled slightly to match with the angled wings.  

color coordinating snaps
So, how did this diaper work for us?  It worked great!  I didn't receive any inserts to go with the pocket diaper, so I can't vouch for how they'd work, but the diaper itself worked great.  We got a really good fit on my skinny son, with no gaping at the legs.  And like I said before, the inside of the diaper is made out of minky material and is SO soft!  The elastic is also inside the minky, so we had absolutely no issues with this diaper leaving red marks on his legs.
inside of the diaper; pocket above
The pocket itself is nice and large, if you can tell from the picture above.  It's a little lower on the back, and has a nice, big flap to cover the opening, which I really like.  That way there's not much of a chance of it opening and letting the inserts touch baby's skin.  The pocket also opens all the way across, which is helpful for stuffing.
We've been using this diaper for a few weeks now and have had absolutely no leaks!  And as I said before, it's just so soft that this is one of the first diapers I've been reaching for.  Here's a front view of my son wearing it (and no, it's not a giant bruise on his stomach--it's marker :) ):
sorry this is blurry....
The picture makes it look a little small, but it is actually a really good fit.  This diaper is a little small....not sure if the rise is big enough to fit a super tall baby, but Myles is pretty tall for his age, and aside what it looks like in this picture, we do actually have some room to grow.  He's 25lbs, pretty tall and skinny, and on the highest rise setting.

Here's a few other "side" shots.  I would have gotten more picture of him in the diaper, but geesh, are toddlers hard to get pictures of!!!

This diaper is a little bulky, I think it's because of the minky.  But it still fits in all his pants just fine-I think it just "poofs" out a little when it's not contained.  However, this isn't a problem for us--actually, it helps keep his pants up! :)

Overall, we absolutely love this diaper!  It's absolutely adorable, and definitely the softest diaper we own.  It works great, and is affordable.  Be sure to check out Momma Made's facebook page and hyena cart to get a diaper of your own.  Lindsey also makes AI2 diapers, hybrid fitteds, and some smaller items, like nursing pads, and diaper keychains.  If you'd like to purchase any of them, she's offering a 10% discount for Cloth Diaper Addiction fans!  Just let her know in the checkout notes that Cloth Diaper Addiction sent you, and she'll apply 10% off.  
She's also giving one lucky reader a $10 discount on any diaper order, so be sure to enter below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

June 4, 2013

Urbun Sprout - SproutWrap

Continuing with my Flats Challenge series, I have a great daddy friendly diaper to introduce to you all today! Made by Urbun Sprout, the SproutWrap is a fitted flat diaper. A fitted flat has all the ease of use that a fitted diaper does, but it has the ease of washing that a flat diaper does! I was sent this adorable apple print to review and use for the Flats Challenge.

The SproutWrap might look complicated on first glance, but it is really easy once you see how it goes together. It has a snap closure for the waist with cross over snaps on one tab to allow for a smaller baby to fit it.

For bigger babies, a pair of these SproutLeaf snap covers are included to cushion any snaps that might rest against your baby's hips.

The SproutWrap is two layers of soft flannel that are sewn to be easy to fold. You can see the shape in this next picture. The back of the diaper has waist and leg elastic to give the fitted diaper shape. On each side are flaps that fold in to become absorbency. There are four rows of snaps to allow four rise settings on the diaper.

The SproutWrap also has a snap in snake-style soaker made of flannel and organic cotton terry cloth. To start folding the SproutWrap you snap in the soaker, if you are using it, and fold it back over itself to fit the rise you need. 

Once the soaker is laying flat, you adjust the rise settings by folding the front over to the height that you need.

For Ava (26 lbs, 31 inches) I can fold over one or two of the snap rows to get a good fit. The row I use is determined by the cover I am putting over it. I get a slightly better fit with just folding over one row, but for my trimmer covers I can get a really trim fit by folding over two snap rows.

Once your rise is set, fold each of the sides in to the middle and your diaper is all set! This diaper centers most of the absorbency right in the middle and has a nice smooth fit.

 This is the diaper on the smallest possible setting. If I were to use this on a newborn I might leave out the snap in soaker, but with the rise folded all the way down you would hardly need it. You can see how tiny this diaper gets!

This is the largest rise setting which would certainly fit large toddlers really well. Like I mentioned above, Ava is 26 pounds and 31 inches tall and I still fold down one or two rows. I love that this will continue to fit her for a long time!

We got a really good fit with this diaper. I set the SproutLeaf snap covers to peek out for this picture, but generally I line them up to be wholly inside the diaper or peeking out the leg slightly if needed.

This side shot is with the soaker in, and you can see that it is a nice trim fit even with the soaker double over!

Here is another front shot with the snap covers pointed downwards. It looks a little lopsided due to a very wiggly toddler!

Overall, I really like this diaper. It is Ava's favorite currently due to the cute apple print! Every time she sees it she gets so excited. There really is no learning curve with this diaper at all. Once you see how it is laid out, it's pretty intuitive to fold it together. This is a fantastic option for daddies to use or to take along in your diaper bag if you are using flats. I used this diaper for the flats challenge without the soaker and it washed up really nicely every time. This diaper had great absorbency both with and without the soaker, too. When I use the soaker it is absorbent enough for me to use on Ava at naptime! I love the print options that are available at Urbun Sprout too. There are some really unique options to choose from. Check her out on Facebook and on Etsy and tell her that Cloth Diaper Addiction sent you!