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November 5, 2010

Saving Money While Trying to Save Money (ie: How to Not Go Broke When Cloth Diapering!)

Many parents look into cloth diapering as a way to save money but then get turned off when they see the initial cost of the diapers (and all the accessories you "have" to have). Many assume that it is cheaper just to use disposables. If you think of a single diaper costing the same as a box of diapers, it can be a bit disconcerting. But, if you think of that single diaper being reused over and over (and over and over and over!) you can realize that, while the upfront cost may be large, it will definitely pay off very quickly! Here are some tips to building up your stash without breaking the bank:

Prefolds & Covers:
If you're up for 'any' diapering method, skip the latest and greatest, and go back to tried and true. This is definitely a very inexpensive, yet effective way, to cloth diaper your child. And not to mention, when you are done with the prefolds, they make awesome cleaning rags!

Buying Used:
Some may gawk at this idea, but great deals are to be had when buying cloth diapers used. Check your local Craigslist or children's consignment sale. Another great place to check is your local Freecycle. It's as simple as sending out a message asking for cloth diapers - you never know what response you'll get!

If you're preparing for baby, start a wishlist at amazon.com or any cloth diaper website. Let people know your desire to cloth diaper your baby and pass along the information for your wishlist. If your baby has already been born and you're making the switch, start a holiday or birth wish list with the diapers you are interested in.

Ask Around:
You may find out that you have friends who cloth diapered their children and are done with their stash, even just temporarily. They may be willing to loan you their stash as you get started (what a great way to give cloth diapers a trial run!)

Win Them!
OK, while this isn't a reliable method of building your stash, it is a great way to try out new diapers for free! Check out Facebook and blogs for giveaways that happen everyday. You might not win, but if you don't enter, you can't win!

What ways have you been able to save even more money while making the switch to cloth diapers?


Danae said...

I bought alot of used ones, in EUC. I also bought some of the cheapie ones (Gasp!) and they have turned out pretty good. I have won a couple and I buy them of the deal sites! Not sure if I have ever paid full price for a diaper...

The Durhams said...

If you're handy with a sewing machine, you could also make your own. All the supplies and materials are easily available online, as well as many free and/or inexpensive patterns. I made about 30 pocket diapers for my son and the price was more than half of what they would have been if I had bought them new.


Ashley Paramor said...

There are quite a few "50% off" or bargain sites around that sometimes have cloth diapers on their one-day sales (in fact www.BabyHalfOff.com has Fuzzibunz and leggings on sale right now), not to mention the millions of giveaways on blogs and Facebook. Also, I seek out reviews and recommendations on some of the less expensive brands to make sure they're good quality before I buy. Brands like ComfyRumps & Kawaii are extremely inexpensive, yet great quality and fit.

Janine said...

I put cloth dipes on my registry... Didn't get a lot. I think people were intimidated by them. My best friend got me three and we luckily got an Amazon gift card, but do not rely on your shower for cloth diapers unless you know you're inviting people who have used and are comfortable with them!

Giveaways are a good way to get 'em! You can find tons of giveaways. I've won two so far. Doesn't seem like a lot but that's potentially $40+.

Unknown said...

These are great tips ladies! Keep the ideas coming!