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May 8, 2012

Bob Books

We have a 5 year old who is an eager beaver and wanting oh-so-bad to learn to read. One of our favorite resources so far on our reading journey has been "Bob Books".
These are 3 of the 4 sets we have. Both my 5year old and 3.5year old love looking through the books and making up stories from the pictures provided. Keaton (5) can read most of the Bob Books we have with a little help.

We've read many more from the library (the boys always ask me to get "more Dr. Seuss and more Bob Books"!)

The Bob Books come in fun, bright colors (each book has a code in the upper left hand corner so you know which books belong in which set, it they happen to get mixed up) ;-)
 Each set also comes with a card with helpful tips and creative ideas to encourage the love of reading in your children.
 The books are fairly small, perfect for little hands to hold. And come in a handy box to keep them all in order.
 This is the inside of a book from Keaton's current favorite set (my hand, haha).
 Also, to keep things in order, each box has a list of what belongs in each box (for those Type A parents, who need to keep things in order) ;-)
 I can't say for certain that your child will read faster or better using these books, but if nothing else, they are entertaining and engaging. 

On the Bob Books website, they share tons of tips and information on their books, how to use them, how to know if your child is ready, etc....

Be sure to fan them on Facebook and follow on Twitter to stay up to date.

Have you used Bob Books? What are your thoughts?

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review. All books were purchased on my own, or given as gifts. All opinions are my own and yours may differ.


Boise Wiebers said...

We love the Bob Books. In fact we were just reading some tonight. Actually my 4 y.o. was reading one of the Dot books from the third collection.

Susu Sullivan said...

I had just seen these at Costco, now I'm glad to know they're worth getting! Thanks!!!

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