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November 1, 2011

FluffyRumps - Review & Giveaway

A few months ago my daughter was having a horrible time teething. Way worse than her brother or sister who had gone down this road before her! So what did I do? I sent out an S.O.S. to all of you! Rhonda from FluffyRumps responded - and quickly! She sells genuine Baltic amber teething jewelry (along with some other fluffy goodness that we'll save for another day!). Are you wondering what "Baltic amber teething jewelry" is, or what it does? Rhonda has a great definition on her Facebook page:

"Natural Baltic amber is a completely non-invasive remedy for side effects associated with teething. It helps with lack of appetite, redness in the cheeks, swollen gums, diaper rashes (and as cd'ing mamas - we ALL want to avoid that!), upset tummies, earaches, fevers, and colds. Baltic amber is also a natural analgesic that will calm your child. Think of it as a natural infant Tylenol."

A little more research found that when Baltic amber is worn on the skin, the warmth of your skin resleases a tiny amount of the healing oils from the amber. Then these oils are absorbed by your skin and sent into your bloodstream.

Ella and I received a multi-colored necklace to review.

I LOVE the way the colors look with her red hair! =)

At first (in just looking at a few pictures online), I was really confused about how these went on. I didn't know if they were made of a stretchy material or what...I couldn't see a clasp. Once I had the necklace in hand, it's pretty easy to see how it goes on:

There is some controversy about when babies should wear these. Some moms swear by them 24/7 and leave them on their children that long. Others (like my pediatrician), are a little more leary of allowing the babies to have them on during unsupervised times (like naps and bedtime). Some worry about the necklaces being a choking hazard, others say the worst that can happen is they bite off a little piece (they are all individually knotted on, so if you lose one bead the whole necklace doesn't fall apart) and then you just find it in their diaper. Just watch what your kiddos do and act accordingly. Once Ella found the necklace, I wasn't comfortable letting her sleep in it. That's just me. You may decide something entirely different. =)

(How the necklace should look in length.)

I can honestly say that I did notice a difference in her disposition after wearing the necklace for a couple of days! I stopped using it once her teeth popped through, and I'm just now noticing the red cheeks and runny nose starting...time to put that necklace on full time again!

Rhonda is a WEALTH of knowledge and has been INCREDIBLE to work with! She's VERY quick to respond via email. She has graciously provided a Baltic amber teething necklace for one lucky reader to win! Fill out the form below for your chance! And if you don't win? Totally worth it to buy your baby's teething necklace from FluffyRumps!

This giveaway will close on November 15th, 2011 at 8 pm EST. At that time, a winner will be chosen via random.org and contacted via email. The winner will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Have fun!!!

Disclaimer: I received a Baltic amber teething necklace for review. All opinions are truthful and my own. You may have a different experience. FluffyRumps is sponsoring the giveaway of one Baltic amber teething necklace.


Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said...

Your daughter is soooo cute! :-D I confess to being one of those moms that let their kid wear their teething necklace to bed. I can never remember to put it back on otherwise!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Maria!!! I left hers on while sleeping until she was too interested in it to leave it alone! ;-) Now we're getting a shorter one so hopefully that will help!

Samantha Pierce said...

Thanks for this great giveaway mama!