Q: What is the focus of your blog?
A: I'm a full-time working mother, struglling to be a little bit better of a mom every day. Topics include cloth diapers, elimination communication, babywearing, pumping & breastfeeding, vegan food and more.
Q: What is the focus of your blog?
A: We've used cloth diapers since Ava was born in December. I have a coworker who has loaned me several brands to try because she said many of them didn't work for her. I guess, since we also do EC, we just don't let Ava get to the point of leaking, cause we've never had any issues with any brands. What is hilarious to me is watching people like my MIL try to put a cloth diaper on. Seriously, velcro in back, just like a disposable. Why is this hard???
Q: Tell me a little bit about your family, where you are from etc.
A: I'm wife to a wonderful and supportive husband, Brian. We just had our first baby (daughter Ava Belle) in December. We also have two fur babies (Biscuit and Cricket). We live in Houston - petroleum USA - so we find it hard to be as green as we'd like. "
Q:What are some of your top recomendations for cloth diapers and cloth diapering related items?
A: My favorites are bumgenius diapers - not the one size. The one size is a great idea, but they are really bulky and poofy in the beginning. I am not a fan of snaps on diapers."

Q: What do you enjoy doing during the day with your children?
A: Ava is still so young, I just love doing something "new" (to her) and watching her reactions,
Q:If you are not a cloth diapering Mommy we would still love to hear about you. What are some must have baby/childrens products you just couldn't live without?
A: I do cloth diaper, but would still like to note I could not live without my Sleepy Wrap!!!

Q: Do you own a store? Make and sell things? Blog? etc. Share with us links to your pages/sites/stores that were not already mentioned or filled in above
A: I blog at becomingabettermommy.blogspot.com, which is my new blog. I have run a private blog for our family for about a year, since we don't live near any of them, but I wanted to start sharing my stories to inspire and encourage other moms (and get inspiring / encouraging comments).
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