Dana from Nest of Kroh's is sharing with us this week. She has some fun stuff to share with us! I hope you enjoy her store. If you would like to be featured as a Monday Mommy go here and fill the form out! Thanks!
Q:What is the focus of your blog?
A:It's mostly a blog about our little family since having our first child last year, but along the way I have added posts about crafts I've made and things that I've baked :0)
Q:I love to hear about others cloth diapering stories and adventures. What kind of experience do you have with Cloth Diapering?
A:I started using cloth when my son was around 4 months old because he got a TERRIBLE blister and rash from sposies. A close friend shared with me all the do's and don'ts on cloth. We started with pre-folds and I fell in LOVE, however it got difficult as my son became more and more active, so at 8 months old we started looking into doing less folding and came across BumGenius pocket diapers. The pockets are perfect for our heavy wetter because I can stuff them as much as I want and their easy enough for my husband and baby sitters.
Q:Tell me a little bit about your family, where you are from etc.
A:I was born and raised in Greensboro, NC and still live here. My husband and I were married in January of 2009, found out we were expecting at the end of July 2009 (oops! That was fast). Our first son Leeland was born April 14, 2010 and although he was a surprise to us, he has been the greatest blessing in the world! My husband is forced to work way too much to try to support us and I work part time at a pregnancy care center to help out also. This is the 1st job I've ever had in the ministry and there's nothing more exciting than working for the Lord and watching Him at work.
Q:What are some of your top recomendations for cloth diapers and cloth diapering related items?
A:I love my BumGenius pocket diapers as mentioned above. I also love to use coconut oil as my "rash cream", and I use handmade cloth wipes which I sewed from receiving blankets. I keep my wipes dry and have a spray bottle of water at the changing table to moisten them.
Q:What do you enjoy doing during the day with your children?
A:I enjoy reading books and snuggling-- sometimes that's the only way we can keep him still. He also is REALLY into music, so we turn on some tunes and dance around the house. :0)
Q:What are some of your favorite blogs to check out? Do you visit blogs for fun, research, learning, to get ideas, etc?
A:Cloth Diaper Addiction of course!.... I also read the Cotton Babies blog and several of my friends have blogs that I follow. I mostly read blogs for fun-- we don't have cable so I enjoy the quick reads in between chasing around my son.
Q:If you are not a cloth diapering Mommy we would still love to hear about you. What are some must have baby/childrens products you just couldn't live without?
A:I am a cloth diapering mommy, but a few things that I love are my BOB jogging stroller, my Mei Tai Baby carrier/wrap, and Earth's Best baby food.
Q:Do you own a store? Make and sell things? Blog? etc. Share with us links to your pages/sites/stores that were not already mentioned or filled in above
A:I blog, and you can find me at http://nestofkrohs.blogspot.com You will find on the blog info about me, posts about our family and what's new, crafts I've made and also things that I have baked.
Q:Anything else you would like to share with us?
A:A special thanks to Cloth Diaper Addiction and the abundance of knowledge you share each day for us CD'ing and "soon to be CD'ing" mommas. It's awesome to hear about new things, and read the reviews of products.
Welcome To Cloth Diaper Addiction!
If you would like us to review a product of yours please email us at: Kristina{at}clothdiaperaddiction{dot}com Thanks!
1 comment:
Thank you, the article is very petrifying
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