Welcome To Cloth Diaper Addiction!

If you would like us to review a product of yours please email us at: Kristina{at}clothdiaperaddiction{dot}com Thanks!

There are some people asking about how to follow Cloth Diaper Addiction via GFC (google friend connect) on the blog. How to do this: When on the blog look on the left hand column there is black lettering that says "Followers", just below that is a blue box that says "Join our site" (via google friend connect - under the blue box) Just click the blue "Join our Site" Box and log in and you are all good to go!

October 1, 2010

Vote for us!

Hey Ladies and Gents,

I would be honored if you vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! On the right hand side of my page is a new button. All you have to do it click on it then hit vote! If you love my blog vote for me! Thanks so much and I enjoy having you all as readers!
