1. Tell us a little about yourself, where you are located, how many kids you have, little ones in cloth, etc. - We live near Raleigh, NC. I am married to an amazing man and I a SAHM mom to three awesome boys. Keaton is 3.5years and my two in cloth are Benjamin, who is 2years (and very interested in the potty!) and Caedmon is our newborn. In my "spare" time, I am working on my certification to become a birth doula.
2. What made you decide to give cloth diapers a try? My husband suggested it before Keaton was born, but I refused to do such a thing. ;-) When he was about 6 months old, I started to look into it and said "if ever" we have 2 in cloth, I would probably do it. Six weeks later we found out that, surprise, we would indeed have two in cloth! We started cloth around Christmas of '07 and I've been addicted ever since!
3. What did your family and friends think when you told them you were going to use cloth? What did they think when they saw the new modern diapers available? Family was very supportive, friends thought (and still!) we were crazy for doing something so "gross"! I've converted a few since then ;-)
4. What was your very first cloth diaper? Do you still use it? A friend sent me two Pocket Change diapers from her stash to see how amazing they were - 3 years later, they're still my favorite diapers!
5. What type of diapers does your stash primarily consist of; pockets, aio, one size, pre-folds, flats, hybrids, etc.? Which ones do you prefer to use? The first one you grab? We have everything except hybrids and flats. We had never used prefolds until Caedmon was born and I found out I LOVE them! Hubby isn't as in love with them. He prefers pockets or aio's. We've never been a huge fan of one-size, as they've never seemed to truly fit our boys the whole time, but, we have since found two that we love (Nifty Nappy and TotBots!) I'll pull whatever is on top (and I confess that if the diaper will be seen, I go for extra cute) ;-)
6. Do you have a favorite place to hang out and talk or learn about cloth ; a blog, message board, facebook page, etc.? I really just hang out on facebook to discuss cloth. I have written on my blog a number of times about cloth and I enjoy discussing there as well.
7. What cloth diapering item, besides diapers, do you consider to be a must-have accessory? Wet bags - perfect for storing dirty diapers!
8. Do you have any special ways to wash or strip your diapers? n/a
9. If you could share just one tip with someone who is just starting out with cloth or considering using cloth, what would be your best piece of advice to them? As much as us fluff junkies would like you to use them 100% of the time, don't get overwhelmed in the beginning - you don't have to do cloth "all or nothing". If it gets to be too much, pull out a disposable if you must so you continue to enjoy your investment!
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