I have a confession. Please don't shoot me. I haven't used cloth wipes much in the past. I know. Keep reading. =)
One of the reasons is that when we first started cloth diapering, I made my own solution. I know this works for a lot of people, and that's great. Someday I'll try my hand at it again. The problem was that, without knowing any better, I let the solution sit for way too long and it caused diaper rash issues. So, I avoided cloth wipes too. I wanted to use more than just water on wipes.
Northern Essence makes an all natural wipes solution that is great! This solution, combined with a new stash of cloth wipes, has gotten me into the grove of using cloth wipes again - full time. While the solution itself is great (more on that in a second), what makes Northern Essence a notch above other solutions is that they have a foaming pump you can buy! It's awesome! You can squirt the solution onto the cloth wipe or your baby's bum and it's the perfect amount needed.
Now, back to the solution. I was sent the Sensitive Skin Formula. It has a really nice citrus scent (from the essential oils used). It's also made from all natural ingredients and safe to wash with cloth diapers. Because I was using the foaming pump, it has lasted us a long time! The 2 oz. pump is perfect to toss in your diaper bag - much easier than trying to bring wet cloth wipes or a bulky spray bottle. In fact, the reason this post is lacking pictures of the foam in action is that I took it to my in-laws house this weekend and forgot it there. Oops. It really does make diaper changes out of the house that much easier!
Traci, the owner of Northern Essence, was gracious enough to send me a sample of their All Natural Diaper Rash Slave as well. I warned her that we don't have many diaper rashes here, so I didn't know if I'd be able to review it. Lo and behold, we had a nasty medicine induced diaper rash...poor baby! I am not exaggerating one bit, this salve is amazing! Normally when we get a diaper rash we switch to disposable diapers and have to make a fancy cream to help heal her bum (her diaper rashes are far and few between, but they are bad!). This time, I decided to give the salve a solid test run. After two applications of the salve, her bum was looking much less sore. Two days and it was gone! That is the shortest time she's ever had a diaper rash. And best of all? We were able to keep her in cloth diapers. Yep, the salve is safe for cloth diapers too!
Welcome To Cloth Diaper Addiction!
If you would like us to review a product of yours please email us at: Kristina{at}clothdiaperaddiction{dot}com Thanks!
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