On the fifth day of Clothmas Cloth Diaper Addiction gave to me:
A fitted Organic diaper and 17 Oz bottle all purpose cleaner and grocery tote bag!
BooBearBuns is offering the winner of day 5, a organic fitted diaper in their choice of color. She has some really cute colors to choose from!
Charlies soap is giving away a 17 ounce bottle of their all purpose cleaner...not cloth diaper related but still great!
Charlies Soap has also offered up this cool grocery tote bag. I always use reusable tote bags when I go shopping or if i have to bring a bunch of items to someones house!
*The reviews above are of my own opinions and my experiences may differ from yours. I was not paid to do this review and the giveaway items will be sent directly from the sponsors. It is there responsibility to get them to you.*
1 comment:
I tried too much to wear a diaper to my baby, but i can't succeed.
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