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July 21, 2010

Hello fellow Cloth Diaper Addicts,

Recently while scouring the web for more information on cloth diapers I came across a new blog called Cloth Diaper Challenge. It is a new blog but contains handy information about different diapers. Each post features a new diaper, and all you need to know about it. I asked the writer of Cloth Diaper Challenge if she would be interested in sharing with us a little about her cloth diapering adventure. Here is what she shared:

Cloth diapering is my obsession. I am proud to say it! When I started out two years ago I never thought it would get this bad. I decided from the moment I found out I was pregnant with #2 that I was going to use cloth. I hate to admit that I never knew any different than using disposable diapers with my oldest child. I spent my entire nine months researching and learning about the different cloth diapering systems and brands. It was like learning a new language! AIO's, AI2's, Fitteds, Flats, Prefolds, Pocket, OS, my brain was filled with too much fluffy information. It didn't put me off, but I was terrified of 1) not buying the "right" kind of diapers for my baby, 2) not washing them correctly or 3) getting leaks. It seems like every forum started on DiaperSwappers was something having a problem with stink issues, fit issues, stain issues, leak issues or something else. I did my research, collected a variety of different brands and types of cloth diapers and prepared myself for becoming a mother of two and using cloth diapers. I also wanted to add in my family thought I was nuts and so did my husband. I bought my first batch without him knowing, and when he found out he said I would get bored of it after a week but he helped my dye them. I convinced him that if he let me do this I would not make him change a diaper. I find him changing a diaper once in a while now, and telling me why he likes the brand he choose to put on, and he supported me when I decided to not go back to work and instead start a cloth diaper business.
My son arrived 11 days late, and his first week of life flew by. I didn't even look at the cloth diaper stash all washed and arranged nicely. It wasn't until he was a week old, my husband went back to work and we settled into our new life that I took a deep breathe and took the plunge into cloth diapering. And it wasn't hard at all. They were easy to use, I rarely had a leak, I changed him just as often as I did with disposables and they fit under his clothes. A few weeks later I decided to switch to using cloth diapers at nighttime, then a few weeks later I stopped buying the flushable gDiaper inserts for the diaper bag and just used cloth and a wet bag. I can honestly say in the last 17 months I have bought 2 small bags of disposable diapers, just for that first week. It feels great not to have to add a bag of diapers to our grocery bill, instead when I am running low I run a load of laundry. I only buy diapers now because I want to buy them (I am a sucker for new diapers, and adorable patterns and colors).
At first I wanted to cloth diaper to save money, and I have. I feel good about not throwing out a bag of diaper laundry each week knowing they would sit in the landfill for 500 years. I also feel good about the fact that my little one's sensitive bum will not be next to chemicals 24 hours a day for the first 2 year of his life. I love the convenience of not running to the store to buy diapers, another load or two of laundry a week is nothing in our household. It might be a pain if I had to go to the river to scrub the diapers for hours on end, but in today's world I have a handy dandy washing machine and a clothes line for quick drying. And my favorite reason for cloth diapering? The adorable fluffy bum my little guy has everyday. Each diaper change is a chance to put on a new adorable diaper, and at 17 months he now has his favorite diapers and picks which ones out he wants to wear. His favorite is his "fishy" GoodMama. Potty training I have a feeling is going to be easier since he can feel when he is damp and tells me, and I love when he picks out a minky diaper to cuddle with on the couch (clean of course!). There is so much to cloth about cloth, it really becomes a part of your life instead of an inconvenience of changing diapers.
There are so many brands out there to choose from. I have tried a bunch but not nearly all. Which has started me on my most recent project, The Cloth Diaper Challenge. My new blog, where I am going to try out and review each cloth diaper brand out there! Visit my blog to follow me on my journey (Cloth Diaper Challenge) and become a fan on facebook If you want to help out and donate some diapers please email me or send me a message. All donate diapers will be donated by me to a baby in need once I am done with my review. You can email me at clothdiaperchallenge@gmail.com
If you are undecided about trying cloth diapers I urge you to give it a try. Buy a few and use them at home when you get a chance and then slowly add to your collection. Cloth diapering can fit any budget and lifestyle. Don't be afraid, give it a shot!

You can check out her store online at:
Or email her at: downtoearthbaby@gmail.com


Nathaniel said...

Thanks for sharing Kristina! I've found another resource that has been helpful - www.nickisdiapers.com - it's a store in Madison, WI that my sister-in-laws use and love. You should check out their site tonight if you get a chance - they have a giveaway that ends today for some fuzzibunz. Just thought I'd let you know - since you're the one that's gotten me excited about it :-) When I come in September (date to be determined...), I can't wait to check out your stash! Love you! -Joy

Kristina said...

Thanks Joy! I have been to their site before, It has some good stuff on it! I wish I were closer to it to visit in person, but I have a good store over here too! When you visit i will take you there! I'm glad you've decided to do cloth!

Mummy Kim said...

Thanks for the post… Our first is due in September so we are just starting our stash and having so many reviews in one place is helpful!

Kristina said...

congrats on your first! Im glad you are choosing cloth,it really is the best way to go!

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...

I <3 that blog! It helps to see info and pics on each diaper (on a real baby) before I buy them...thanks fo bringing it to my attention!

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